Make Dr. Schwartz your Long Island Vein Doctor
Dr. Mark Schwartz, MD, FACS, RPVI is Board Certified by the American Board of Surgery. He is Board Certified in both General and Vascular Surgery.
Diplomate of the American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine (specialty in the diagnosis and treatment venous disorders):
A significant part of the phlebologist’s work is involved with the treatment of superficial venous disease, frequently in the legs.
Member of the American College of Phlebology and The American Venous Forum:
Registered with the American College of Phlebology. The ACP is the premier association for physicians and allied health professionals working in the field of Phlebology.
R.P.V.I Certified:
RPVI (Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation) certification. This gives him the skills and knowledge to perform vascular ultrasound in the diagnosis of vein disease and accurately interpret the test results in the determination of most optimal treatment protocol.

AAAHC Accredited:
The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care is the preeminent leader in developing standards to advance and promote patient safety, quality and value for ambulatory health care through peer-based accreditation processes, education and research. Accreditation is awarded to organizations that are found to be in compliance with the Accreditation Association standards.
AAAASF Certified Office:
It is the mission of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) to develop and implement standards of excellence to ensure the highest quality of patient care through an accreditation program that serves both the medical community and the public interest by establishing a means for measuring medical competence and providing an external source for evaluating patient safety in the ambulatory surgery setting.
Outpatient Procedures:
All procedures are performed in the comfort of Dr. Schwartz’s North Shore Vein Center, with local anesthesia and minimal downtime. No hospitalization — no vein stripping!