Mastering Vein Care for the Sunny Season

summer veins

Summer is an ideal time of year for baring the skin, given its hot, seasonable temperatures and opportunities for lounging by the beach or poolside. However, people with varicose or spider veins often need to take extra precautions surrounding vein care—especially given how factors like sun exposure and traveling can potentially worsen vein issues.

Here are tips on how to best manage veins in summer and how to contact North Shore Vein Center for spider veins and varicose veins treatment.

Vein Issues That Are Common During Summer

Spider veins and varicose veins are the two most common vein issues. These vein problems can become more severe during the summer, as higher temperatures can cause the blood vessels to expand.

The widening of blood vessels can make it more difficult for the valves in problematic veins to keep blood flowing in the right direction. As a result, varicose veins symptoms can often worsen during the summer, as well as the appearance of the veins.

Summer-Related Factors That Can Affect the Veins

Sun exposure, heat, and traveling are the top three factors that can affect veins during the summer.

Sun Exposure

Excess sun exposure can damage the skin by reducing its elasticity and making it thinner, making veins more vulnerable to problems. For instance, blood can pool inside veins that become damaged due to excess sun exposure, which can worsen both spider and varicose veins and lead to new problematic veins. In some instances, damaged skin can increase the risk of broken capillaries that can cause spider veins.


Heat and high temperatures can cause veins to expand. This can worsen symptoms, including swelling, pain, and heaviness in the legs. Exposure to heat can also cause veins to itch and increases the risk of skin rashes.


Traveling by car, plane, or train usually requires long periods of sitting. Sitting for too long can affect blood circulation and increases the risk for blood clots. Symptoms of varicose and spider veins can worsen when sitting for a long time without taking breaks to get up, stretch, and walk around.

How to Manage Veins In Summer

With the proper planning and vein care, anyone with vein issues can enjoy all the benefits summer has to offer.

Here are effective ways to manage veins in summer:

  • Book seats on planes and trains that offer plenty of room for the legs. This can help prevent problems with poor circulation and allows seated stretches and exercises that can promote good blood flow.
  • Take breaks at least once an hour when sitting for long periods to stretch and walk around.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that won’t restrict blood flow anywhere in the body—especially in the legs.
  • Drink plenty of water when traveling. Staying hydrated can help promote blood flow and creates a reason to get up and use the restroom.
  • Wear compression socks or stockings. Compression socks can promote blood flow in people with vein issues and reduce leg swelling.
  • Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen can help protect the skin from sun damage that can worsen varicose and spider veins symptoms.
  • Visit a vein specialist before traveling. A vein specialist can provide extra tips on caring for veins and may even administer varicose or spider veins treatment beforehand to reduce the risk of problems on the road.

North Shore Vein Center offers vein treatments, including sclerotherapy, endovenous laser ablation, and more. If you need treatment for spider veins or varicose veins, contact North Shore Vein Center today at (516) 869-8346 to request an initial vein consultation.