The Top Ten Causes of Spider Veins

People struggling with the appearance of their legs due to venous conditions such as spider veins are not alone. Spider veins can affect anyone, and they can be persistent. In fact, it’s estimated that up to half of women have some form of spider veins. Certain risk factors, such as increasing age or female gender, can influence the occurrence of spider veins. Read on to learn about the top ten causes of spider veins.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are damaged blood vessels that occur just underneath the surface of the skin. Also referred to as a “telangiectasia,” a spider vein gets its name due to its thin, spindly, thread-like appearance that can be present in a branched pattern.

Spider veins can vary in darkness and color, ranging from blueish to a reddish or purple shade. They can be unsightly and cause a lack of confidence or a decrease in self-esteem. This is why North Shore Vein Center offers therapies that can help reduce the appearance of spider veins.

What are the symptoms of spider veins?

Spider veins typically do not cause any physical symptoms. However, because they are very close to the surface of the skin, they may have the secondary effect of causing shame or decreased confidence.

Beyond the psychological effects of spider veins, if a person is having symptoms, they could include the following physical symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • Aching discomfort in the legs, especially at night

Spider veins can sometimes precede the development of a more serious condition known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Being able to differentiate between spider veins and CVI, which can have a bigger impact on a person’s quality of life, is important.

The top 10 causes of spider veins

A number of factors influence the development of spider veins. It’s possible to avoid some of these factors. However, many of them, such as the hereditary link, cannot be altered. It’s important to understand these causes to manage and potentially prevent the condition. Here is a list of the top 10 causes of this condition.

  1. Obesity
  2. Rapid changes in weight, such as sudden weight gain
  3. Genetic predisposition
  4. Repeated motions, such as within a work setting
  5. Hormonal fluctuations, whether from pregnancy, puberty, or menopause
  6. Use of birth control pills
  7. Blood clots
  8. Exposure to the sun
  9. Injuries or trauma to an area of the leg
  10. Straining of the abdominal cavity from excess stool, tumors, or tight clothing

Getting relief from spider veins

People suffering from spider veins often wonder how to get relief from this pesky condition. At North Shore Vein Center (NSVC), a number of vein care treatments are available. NSVC of Long Island experts first consult with each patient to determine whether a spider vein treatment will be effective. Spider veins can be minimized or removed using a number of tools, including laser technology, sclerotherapy, or the VeinGogh™ ohmic thermolysis system.

To learn more about treating spider veins with NSVC, or to understand their full spectrum of Long Island vein care options, make sure to reach out to schedule an appointment today.