Why Do Varicose Veins Occur in Your Legs? A Guide to Leg Vein Problems

Have you noticed the appearance of unsightly varicose veins spreading across your legs? Have you grown tired of trying treatments that haven’t worked? Well, you’re not alone.

In the United States, 30% of the population has had to deal with varicose veins. They impact women at a far greater rate than men, and while many consider them little more than a nuisance, they can lead to other health concerns. Thankfully, minimally invasive treatment options are available at the North Shore Vein Center.

Common Causes

  • Patient Age: As with many aspects of our health, the older we get, the more apt we are to develop varicose veins. This is due to the lack of elasticity in our vessel walls.
  • Trauma: Veins can be damaged when the surrounding soft tissue is injured, developing spider veins. 
  • Hormone Levels: When our bodies go through puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, estrogen levels can change, weakening blood vessel walls.
  • Heredity: If your family members have varicose veins, you will likely develop them, too.
  • Medical History: Several conditions can increase your chances of your leg veins developing spider veins. They include rosacea and deep vein thrombosis.
  • Exposure to UV Light: You can increase the likelihood of developing spider veins if you spend too much time outdoors. Direct sunlight can damage collagen and elastin in blood vessels and cause varicose veins.

What are Varicose Veins?

When our one-way valves in vessels fail to push blood through our veins adequately, they can weaken, allowing blood to collect in one area. Over time, this can cause leg veins to bulge and weaken vein walls, creating varicose veins.


Why Do Varicose Veins Most Commonly Develop in the Legs?

While varicose veins can form anywhere in the body, they are most commonly found in the legs due to the following:

  • Standing or sitting for long periods: This allows blood to pool in the veins, increasing pressure on the vein walls.
  • Gravity: The force of gravity puts pressure on the vein walls by pulling the blood downward into the legs.
  • Pressure of Pumping Blood: Calf muscles pump blood up the legs, creating stress on the vein walls and, in some cases, causing varicose veins.

Ways to Prevent Spider Vein Development

You can do several things to prevent the development of new spider veins.

  • Follow a healthy diet and exercise plan
  • When exposed to sunlight, apply sunscreen
  • Always maintain a healthy weight
  • Wear compression socks or stockings

Vein Treatment Options

While most people consider treatment to be cosmetic in nature, when left untreated, several complications may develop. 

  • Blood clots
  • Open sore 
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Extreme discomfort

We have developed the best vein treatment options at North Shore Vein Center

    • Ambulatory Phlebectomy: This procedure uses mini-incisions to extract the bulging varicose veins.
  • Endovenous Closure: Minimally invasive; this procedure uses a laser fiber to seal the vein closed, allowing it to fade over time.
  • Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy: This is used when the damaged veins are deep beneath the skin. It involves injecting a medication into the veins so the body absorbs them.
  • Foam Sclerotherapy: This procedure causes the veins to fade by injecting a special liquid medication that forces the veins to close and fade away.

If you need more information about your varicose veins and possible treatment options, contact North Shore Vein Center to schedule your consultation appointment today.